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Virtual Office

800 Number: 800-645-2331
Phone: 320-587-9333

Monday – Friday: 8:30am -4:30pm
Call to schedule an appointment.

Bursch Travel Virtual Office – Fargo, ND


Sandie A.

Years with Bursch Travel: 21 years.

Areas of Expertise:  After over 25 years in the travel business, I’ve become a Cruise Specialist, Fiji Specialist, Sandals Specialist and a graduate of the Disney College of Knowledge. I was also just selected as a Travel Expert Select® in the area of LGBTQ+ travel! 

Most Memorable Trip Planned: My most challenging travel request was booking air for a woman coming home from the Peace Corps in South Africa. Due to the time change and urgency of the trip, I had to schedule several calls at 3AM to arrange flights.  She was living in a small unsafe village so just getting her to Johannesburg was a challenge, but it all worked out in the end and she made it home safely! 

Travel Bucket List: Belize, Aruba, Tahiti, African Safari, and a river cruise through parts of Vietnam and Cambodia.

Random Fact: I’d love to learn how to play the drums!

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